The Mass Divergence Event


Staff member
Hik08 in our Discord shared this link a few days ago:

It's a narrative not unlike the John Titor story, revolving around something called the Mass Divergence Event, predicted to happen in 2025. The idea is that this event is a huge inter-universal merge, potentially caused by the operations at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, which could be thinning the membrane between universes. A character named JB, claiming to be a time traveler from the 2040s of another universe, has allegedly provided insights into the event, warning of large-scale physical alterations in our reality.

I like this story because it includes the Mandela Effect, multiverse theory, and the implications of particle collider that seems to get into a multitude of scientific theories and their potential impact on our world. While it's clearly speculative and unconfirmed, it's a story that's I think you'd all enjoy.
I am Hik08 on the discord. I've been looking up stories like this and looking into Mandela affects a lot lately.
As someone commented, the event is more like a convergence than a divergence.
I'm not sure if I believe this story, but its similar to John Titor's story and its great to have more stories like that.
There was an article in 2015 about CERN scientists attempting to find a way to examine parallel universes,
they have been looking for micro black holes and a way to prove "rainbow gravity theory". I think it is on going.
We still lack information as the story is concerned though, as the full transcripts seemingly weren't released as of yet.
Hik08 in our Discord shared this link a few days ago:

It's a narrative not unlike the John Titor story, revolving around something called the Mass Divergence Event, predicted to happen in 2025. The idea is that this event is a huge inter-universal merge, potentially caused by the operations at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, which could be thinning the membrane between universes. A character named JB, claiming to be a time traveler from the 2040s of another universe, has allegedly provided insights into the event, warning of large-scale physical alterations in our reality.

I like this story because it includes the Mandela Effect, multiverse theory, and the implications of particle collider that seems to get into a multitude of scientific theories and their potential impact on our world. While it's clearly speculative and unconfirmed, it's a story that's I think you'd all enjoy.
In 2024 currently. Will see how this goes :)